Trust in yourself is the essence of your primal power.

As a professional footballer.

And as a role model.



Our work includes:














We are a private medical institute based in Berlin.


Our work consists of 4 sub-disciplines:


1. specific unique diagnostic techniques

2. physical manual treatment elements

3. 20.000+ hours of daily work on patients with a wide variety of pain

4. Inexhaustible knowledge of human anatomy and all its systems connected with





We work in silence.


And in privacy.


Message | Call:

+49 176 433 677 63









  • We are a modern medical manufactory with a physical-manual therapeutic and hollistic approach. 

    We are able to dissolve repetitive (injury-) patterns and balance imbalances due to overload and contact injuries in professional sports.

    We restore the maximum performance of the athlete ( you!) beyond all known medical disciplines.

    In concrete terms, this means:

    1. Faster regeneration after injuries and operations
    2. Reduction of downtime in general
    3. Maximizing your performance to run faster, get stronger, get back your trust in yourself and your body

  • Short-term consultations are by arrangement as a matter of course! Just give us a call. You also can just send us a message. The better it fit´s for you.

    +49 176 433 677 63
    Or just write an email to: CONSULTATION@LUUQUANG.COM

  • Short-term acute consultations are after prior acquaintance and agreement in principle! Important for us is that we get you fit in time! 

  • Sometimes the 1st session is already successful that further treatments were no longer necessary. 
    80% of our patients need 3 -4 treatments over 2-4 weeks.
    A series can also go over several weeks, depending on how deep the injury pattern/injury goes.

  • For example, if a soccer player has pain on the outside of the knee, such as when making a pass with the inside of the foot, this generally indicates weakness in a link in the muscle chain on the outside of the leg.

    If the outside of the leg feels weak, the external rotation of the leg will be weak because this part of the muscle chain is responsible for making this movement.

    If the external muscle chain is weak, the load during external rotation is not distributed evenly over the entire chain. Instead of being evenly distributed, the load may be concentrated on just one or two chain links. These are the muscle, ligament and tendon strands.

    In this example, the load would fall more on the knee.

    The knee is the connection between the two links of the femur and the tibia or fibula. Therefore, if the outside is weakened, the iliotibial tract on the thigh and the tibialis muscle or the long fibularis muscle on the tibia or fibula are often affected.

    The main engine of external rotation is the gluteus muscles. If we stick with the chain link comparison, the gluteus muscles are a chain link in front of the iliotibial tract.

    This is the theoretical background to how it works and how the motor problem can arise if it functions incorrectly.

    If this chain is now effectively treated physically and manually, the weak muscles are activated and regain their strength.

    If you also treat the structures that have to work harder to compensate for the weakness, you will restore the optimal interaction of the muscular system and the load will be distributed regularly and evenly in the future.

    Dissolving these complex patterns, activating self-healing throughout all types of tissue and taking all of the body's systems into account is our technical specification. #defactouniqe

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